This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter; I shall reply in full as soon as possible. 兹确认收到你的来函,我将尽快详细答复。
Whatever promises a man may make before marriage, the license is as a receipt in full. 无论男的在婚前作过什么诺言也好,(结婚)证书就等于是一纸全额收据。
Upon receipt of your payment in full we will transfer all artwork, materials, and copy files. 一旦收到贵方全款,我们会立即运送所有的艺术品,原料和复制品。
If the applicant is dissatisfied with the decision, he may apply for reconsideration upon receipt of the decision. If the fees are not paid or not paid in full within the time limit, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 申请人对决定不服的,可以在接到决定时申请复议一次。期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,其申请视为撤回。
Through the above description and analysis, we find that due to the influence of culture and social ideology, the translation and receipt process of Dreiser in China is long and full of changes. 通过对德莱塞译介史的梳理和研究,我们看到,受文化和社会意识形态的影响,德莱塞在中国的译介过程是漫长而又曲折变化的。